Monday, January 19, 2009

Wearing: Gray capri sweats, baby blue bra
Weight: 160.8

I just got back from the gym - did 75 crunches - woo hoo! Ran on the treadmill half the time I was on there! YAY!
Okay, seriously, I know complaining is annoying, but seriously...
I get on the treadmill and what happens...? There are seriously 12 treadmills - 10 open... See my drawering below - the numbers are the order in which people get on the treadmills... I have a magnet...seriously... I must find this magnet... and remove it...


Well - the banana diet went okay today. I ate two bananas - didn't mind them so much - they were good :) I ate 4 tamales, some goldfish, 4 bottles of water, some stouffer's stuffing and 3 fish planks...

Not sure what went on w/ the other people from sazze...

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